A Holistic Approach to High Blood Pressure

May is a beautiful month as flowers start to bloom and the world awakens from winter. As we get busier with projects and activity schedules, it’s also important to remember that May is Blood Pressure Awareness Month. For many people with busy lives and packed schedules, managing blood pressure is a common concern. While medications are easy to reach for, exploring the root of blood pressure changes and alternative strategies for increasing nervous system adaptation can prove to be much more effective for long term regulation. One such alternative gaining traction in the wellness community is NetworkSpinal, a gentle and non-invasive approach to chiropractic care. But how does it relate to blood pressure regulation and what benefits can it offer to those with hypertension?

NetworkSpinal focuses on enhancing your body’s natural ability to heal and adapt to stress. Unlike traditional chiropractic adjustments that target specific areas of the spine, NetworkSpinal works with the nervous system as a whole, promoting self-regulation and improved communication between the brain and the body. Research has shown that participants receiving NetworkSpinal care experienced significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure over a period of several months. By decreasing stress and tension on the nervous system, everything plugged into it works better. And EVERYTHING is plugged into it! 

As your nervous system starts to heal and adapt over the course of time under NetworkSpinal care, here are some additional strategies to boost your natural ability to regulate blood pressure. Some of which we already know but it’s good to remind ourselves:  

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness techniques can help reduce stress levels, which in turn can positively impact blood pressure.

  2. Regular Exercise: Engaging in physical activity such as walking, swimming or yoga can contribute to better cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure. Especially if you are doing these activities outside! 

  3. Healthy Diet: Adopting a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins while limiting sodium and processed foods can support blood pressure management. Staying properly hydrated also plays a vital role in absorption and transport of nutrients. 

  4. Stress Management: Incorporating stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation or spending time in nature can help lower blood pressure. Recognizing where stress is coming from and taking steps to limit exposure can also be beneficial.

While you’re tending to the new growth in lawns and flower beds this Spring, consider how you are nurturing your body's innate capacity for healing. NetworkSpinal care empowers individuals to take control of their health and well-being. Combined with other holistic practices such as mindfulness, exercise and a healthy diet, NetworkSpinal can be a valuable tool in achieving optimal cardiovascular health. Remember, your health is your greatest asset—invest in it wisely and embrace the journey towards a healthier, happier life! 


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